Stable boy dreams - monomad - eng/esp

When the moment of rest arrives, when everyone is in their rooms, comes the moment of silence and dreaming. It is always difficult for him to fall asleep, no matter how tired he is. The childhood traumas in the village during the night attacks of the Vikings and other savages mean that he is always in that semi-conscious suspended state, attentive to all the sounds of the night and the permanent mystery of the darkness. Sometimes he walks through the stables and sees among horses and hay a knight passed out from alcohol and that is when the only one dares to touch those swords with strange symbols and the shoulder pads made of bronze and dragon scales. For a few moments he holds the sword and wears a shoulder pad. He imagines death in glorious combat, and thinks of green fields beyond the ashes.

Llegado el momento del descanso, cuando todos están en sus aposentos, llega el momento del silencio y de soñar. Siempre le es difícil dormirse, por muy cansado que esté. Los traumas de infancia en la aldea durante los ataques nocturnos de los vikingos y demás salvajes hacen que siempre esté en ese estado suspendido semi inconsciente, atento a todos los sonidos de la noche y al misterio permanente de la oscuridad. A veces camina por las cuadras y ve entre caballos y heno a algún caballero desmayado por el alcohol y es cuando único se atreve a tocar esas espadas con extraños símbolos y las hombreras hechas de bronce y escamas de dragones. Por unos momentos empuña la espada y viste una hombrera. Se imagina la muerte en glorioso combate, y piensa en campos verdes más allá de las cenizas.

Su 080 hd.jpg

Su 050 hd.jpg

Su 052 hd.jpg

Su 057 hd.jpg

With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!

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He is ready to slay anyone trying to attack his village again. great shots my friend

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Interesting effect achieved with light regulation!

 2 days ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.

My congrats.