The last click - monomad - eng/esp

Every time I reach this stretch of coast with just a few meters of sand, with that view of the lighthouse on the horizon, I feel like making more stories about castaways, pirates and mermaids. And I have so many photos with models here, that there is no room for so many homeless people either in my stories or on this stretch of coast. So I am simply going to leave this girl alone, who came and sat on a log, posed for me for a few minutes and flew away the same moment I took the last click.

Cada vez que llego a este tramo de costa con apenas unos metros de arena, con esa vista del faro en el horizonte, me dan ganas de hacer más historias de náufragos, piratas y sirenas. Y tengo tantas fotos con modelos aquí, que ya no caben tantos desahuciados ni en mis historias ni en este tramo de costa. Así que simplemente voy a dejar a esta muchacha tranquila, que vino y se sentó en un tronco, posó para mi unos breves minutos y voló el mismo instante en que hice el último click.

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With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!

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The girl has an ideal body and you have executed it well.

Hermoso ángel para despertar la musa. 👌