To catch a soul - monomad - eng/esp

How easy it is to take portraits in this parallel reality. I just have to sit on the threshold of my studio with the red scarf in my right hand and that's it. Those who pass by know that I will give water to anyone who lets me take photos. For some reason, water is very valuable here. More valuable than what we are used to on the other side. Maybe because it adapts to any container. Maybe because it cannot be compressed in a liquid state. Maybe it burns when it is very hot or very cold. Who knows. The truth is that it didn't take long for her to appear. No words were said. Fearfully she entered the dark room, stopped above the mark on the floor and waited. They still fear that a photo will capture their souls. The truth is that I capture their desperations, their desires and their fears. With those feelings I can sketch a primitive soul, it's true. But no one suffers irreparable damage.
Here, I told her when we finished. I handed her a container of liquid water.
She embraced my payment like it was gold. If it wasn't before, now it is. The gold turned into water.

Qué fácil es hacer retratos en esta realidad paralela. Solo tengo que sentarme en el umbral de mi estudio con el pañuelo rojo en mi mano derecha y listo. Los que pasan saben que daré agua al que me deje hacerle fotos. Por alguna razón, el agua es muy valiosa acá. Más valiosa de lo que estamos acostumbrados del otro lado. Será porque se adapta a cualquier recipiente. Será porque no se puede comprimir en estado líquido. Será que quema cuando es muy caliente o muy fría. Quién sabe. Lo cierto es que ella no tardó en aparecer. No medió ninguna palabra. Temerosa entró a la habitación oscura, se detuvo encima de la marca del suelo y esperó. Aún temen que una foto capture sus almas. Lo cierto es que capturo sus desesperaciones, sus anhelos y sus miedos. Con esos sentimientos puedo esbozar un alma primitiva, es cierto. Pero nadie sufre daños irreparables.
Toma, le dije cuando terminamos. Le extendí un recipiente de agua líquida.
Ella abrazó mi pago como si fuese oro. Si antes no lo era, ahora si. El oro se convirtió en agua.

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With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!

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Excellent portraits, a model with attitude, harmony in composition and well-balanced lighting.

Thank you very much for the kind comment!

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @wilfredocav from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

 3 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.