Monomad: The Buzzer

The buzzers are everywhere. Most of them have an activist background. Long before that, they were activists who defended their ideals. You've probably often heard, "You can't buy our idealism!" But in the end, they got tired, stopped speaking the truth, and drew closer to the rulers; yes, they wanted "meat," something they hadn't been getting for a long time. Armed with their big mouths, they started talking nonsense to make their boss happy. They are like flies! Buzzing loudly. Their wallets are full after being buzzers. Something normal that you would encounter in third-world countries.

This guy is also a buzzer. The noisy buzzer, but he isn't the ruler's minion!








This is another entry I submitted for the daily #monomad challenge.

All of the images here are my own work, taken with a Xiaomi POCO NFC smartphone and an assembled external macro lens.