When he stood upright in his place, with a muscular body and a ruthless face, he looked like an angel of death ready to send his prey to hell. Ommatius is the little robber inhabitants of the Cot Girek swamp. This time, I brought him here for the #monomad challenge contest.
Camera | Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro + Macro Lens |
Category | Black & White Photography |
Processed | Adobe Lightroom |
Location | Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia |
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Namaste brother, beautiful capture and good night
Namaste Gyan Bhai, thank you so much :)
Sangat indah sekali binatang serangga ini....bidikan yang sangat sempurna.
Terimakasih @ridor5301. Saya tidak bisa mengatakan sempurna, karena gak puas jika belum membidik mata dengan lensa makro. Itu dibidik dengan fokus close up.
Look at those eyes. Incredible work 👍
Namaste, thanks @pradeepdee6 Bhai :)
Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.
Also, and in case you didn't yet, feel free to join our Black And White Community.
Wuao, la primera fotografía es la mejor que he visto el día de hoy, asombrosa.