Newlyweds and Traveling the World - Monomad

in Black And White3 months ago

This beautiful and elegant couple invited me to photograph their experience in Havana. They had already rented a classic car and were waiting for me at the door of the house where they were staying. We finally met there and immediately set off on the tour without losing a second. Although we visited many of the most popular locations, they suggested other very interesting ones to which I immediately agreed because I knew we would get very good pictures. This is the case of Hamel Alley, a small corridor in the Centro Habana municipality full of bars and dance and entertainment venues, but its main charm is its walls profusely decorated with Afro-Cuban motifs made by many artists and practitioners of that religion.

Another particularly spectacular location that I rarely visit is the National Hotel of Cuba, a historic and even emblematic building that still functions as a hotel and is among the best in the country. Fortunately, access to its gardens and outdoor spaces is free, so it's very easy to take pictures there.

From there, we headed to the most classical place of all, the city of Old Havana, where we took shots in each and every street, corner, and building that everybody loves. Enjoy!


Muy interesantes sus fotos, amigo, tienen un estilo barroco americano, (a lo Carpentier ), sobre todo la tercera de arriba hacia abajo ⏬. Esa es especial para mí.
Saludos y que tenga muchos éxitos.


Muchísimas gracias por tu interesante observación. Me pone a pensar, positivamente, claro, en cuestiones de estilo, cosa que uno mismo no se da cuenta, así que me resulta no solo útil, sino también interesante. Nuevamente, gracias!!!

Gracias a usted!


El estilo nace espontáneamente con el propio trabajo. Es así, el artista no se da cuenta muchas veces de lo que va logrando y que lo distingue de los demás. En la Historia del Arte hay infinidad de ejemplos. En la pintura cubana, usted ve un cuadro y puede decir con seguridad: es de Carlos Enriquez🤠. O en fotografía, puede afirmar: es de Korda... Y así...

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!