Hello People!
I'll be sharing a photo from a session I had a while back. It takes me back to an earlier point in my photography career where I had zero idea on artificial lighting and how to utilize it. It was a sport themed collaboration shoot and I posted a photo from that day earlier on my blog.
Unfortunately, the process of taking this photo was a fail for me because I positioned my lighting wrongly and the intensity was set too high. This made the highlights on the model's face too blown out and impossible to recover while editing.
Despite all that, I decided not to let the photo go to complete waste by changing the way I looked at it and edited it. This thought led me to editing the photo with a high contrast black and white approach, which I feel has rescued the situation :)
Here's the result I ended up with:

Asides boosting contrast, I added a dark vignette around the edges of the photo to further compliment the contrast and focus on the MODEL.
What do you think? Did I rescue the situation or is the photo too ruined to be saved? Let me know in the COMMENTS.
If you haven't joined in, I suggest you do! This photo is my entry to the #monomad challenge. Created by @brumest and hosted by @monochromes.
Thanks for coming around, hope to see you again!
Creative editing might result into finding new styles and looks that you might adopt for your workflow later. This is one of the examples i guess. You salvaged the shots really good! I would not even say it was not your intention in a first place :)
Very true. I definitely learned something new while editing this photo. I just hope I apply it properly in future edits. I'm glad you like the photo.
Thank you for your comment :D
Thank you for sharing :)
Also, and in case you didn't yet, feel free to join our Black And White Community.Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.