MONOMAD - Morning View Around the River

in Black And White8 months ago


Hello Everyone.
This morning the temperature outside was a little cloudy. Even though the morning air is cold, I must leave the house for morning exercise on vacation. every week I only have two days without work in the office. Saturday and Sunday are good times for me, so weekends are really lucky.

This morning I took a leisurely walk around the river with very refreshing natural views and the air here is very fresh especially in the morning. Here are several communities of lovers of leisurely walks who gather in large numbers every weekend. From adolescence to old age, they exercise very regularly, even if it is just a simple walk. There is not only a community of leisurely walking enthusiasts, but here there are also people who enjoy leisurely cycling.

After a leisurely walk, I still have time to take photos of the natural atmosphere in the morning. it looked so calm and peaceful that the morning was truly extraordinary. This morning around the river there were no fishermen, usually fishermen who catch fish. the water flows slowly and several houses along the river appear to have no owners. this morning was extraordinary. and here is my photo from this morning. Good weekend to you all.








Camera: EOS M50
Flash used: No
F-Stop: f/5,6
Focal Length: 250 mm
Exposure Time: 1/160 s
ISO: 100
Taken By: @anzirpasai

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i love the first photo because it have a good use of the rule of thirds!!