Elegance in black and white. My first entry for the #monomadchallenge

in Black And White5 months ago

I took these images as a self portrait project ahead of my birthday. I had just purchased a few items to aid my content creation and so I thought to utilize one of the items, an LED light.

I had an idea of what I wanted the images to look like, giving this 90s yet modern and elegant style. And I'm glad I achieved it.

I took a few test shots ahead of the main shoot so see what the vision would look like visually and yeah, it gaavvvee. Do enjoy.

I'm a visual creative who creates visual content that communicate the message, voice and stories of brands and individuals.

#monadchallenge #monad #blackandwhite

The test shots
Uploading img1681663306973.jpg #60

Uploading img1682019243238.jpg #45
Uploading img1682019243238.jpg #61

Uploading img1682020362945.jpg #32

Uploading img1682020362945.jpg #14

Uploading img1681668177826.jpg #16


Great pictures, and happy early birthday! I've never been able to take a good self-portrait, or a decent selfie, for that matter!

Thank you! Ohh, waoh, it's quite easy though. I utilize a tripod to stabilize my shots. I believe you'd definitely get a hang of it soon

Your shots are very beautiful, friend, extraordinary selfies

Thank you! I enjoyed taking the shots