Hello hiver
Hello everyone, how are you
I'm back with a black and white photo of me that you might like and this is my entry #monomad
Wake up in the morning, have breakfast, bring lunch and then go to the rubber garden to tap rubber tree sap.
Arriving at the farmer's garden, he walked along the thick rubber trees in Teupin Reusep Village, Sawang. North Aceh, Aceh Province.
The rubber farmer approached the rubber trees one by one, then the farmer tapped the rubber by skinning the rubber tree trunk, he saw the white liquid from the rubber tree flowing into the rubber sap storage container.
Rubber is a very potential market for industrial needs such as:
tires, automotive, asphalt, and others.
Ironically, the price of rubber latex in the market is still very low and has a big impact on rubber farmers in the region.
Rubber farmers have no choice but to survive in the midst of weakening latex rubber prices.
However, rubber farmers remain consistent with their profession. As long as car tires, motorcycle tires and airplane tires still use rubber, then rubber farmers will continue to grow rubber.
But rubber farmers never complain to meet all the needs of family life.
That is a huge area of rubber tree. How long does it take to finish tapping all the trees? I have a friend doing rubber tapping. He goes out at 3am in the morning and comes back in the afternoon around 1pm.
@tawadak The process of tapping rubber trees certainly takes a long time.