Hello hiver
Hello everyone, how are you
I'm back with a black and white photo of me that you might like and this is my entry #monomad
One of the children in the coastal village is seen rowing a boat, he seems to be able to control the boat with agility.
For him, spending time in the water is inseparable, every day he does this habit. And it has become a tradition.
Because from an early age children are introduced to the sea, and the harshness of life for coastal children.
After school, children on the beach are always in the boat, sometimes alone and also with friends, feeding fish and learning to hunt fish.
They have been introduced to the sea and help the elderly work.
Sometimes the catch of this small child is sold, the money is for additional school snacks. It can even be used to help increase their parents' spending money.
Coastal children have been trained from an early age to learn to live in simplicity. After school, until the sun goes down. They are taught to love their parents' work. A fisherman and make a living from fishing in the sea.
Thank you 🙏🙏