Foggy sunrays and nostalgia for autumn

in Black And White2 years ago

This is my entry for #monomad challenge by @monochromes

Spring is coming (not here, this morning zero degrees), but I miss autumn.
In this post I will celebrate the autumn.
I'm strange, I know. When I say I wish to go to the other earth hemisphere to live always in autumn and winter, people think I'm crazy, or to much melancholy.
Ok, I love also summer, full of life and opportunities, no need to spend money to heating the house, but autumn is special, it is the season when you can think to the experience lived during summer, let them settle, maybe next to a fireplace with a good book, waiting the blessing and candor of snow.

These pictures are the first ones I have taken with my digital camera, in 2012.

I liked sunrays between common things... a street, a tree, an house enter in another dimension. Follow the feeling!

Just one picture to show colors. I had some doubts if using black and white, more evocative, or color. I have chosen black and white, but also colors of that morning was amazing and warm:

Again, lost in the fog, for sure I had arrived late at work... But it was worth it.

Open landscape and the first sea of clouds of the season:

Pictures taken with Nikon D800.


Magnifique! <3

Thank you

You're welcome! :)

Is it foggy weather?
That's really great man
Black and white photography Love it
I think early morning you done this photoshot

Thank you! Yes, sunrays happened in the early morning, while sea of clouds in the late morning.

You have done great photography ❤️

Thank you very much!

Wonderful forest, fog and Sun! And, of course, the mountains!

Thank you!

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment