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RE: Trashed

in Black And White3 years ago

Somebody needs to convince US that Mother Nature is headed for a breakdown. She already knows.

There is an official proposal to eliminate Glen Canyon Dam (as of yesterday) in a water saving measure. Not to remove it, at least not yet. Just open the bottom valves (which were installed to help with the health of the Grand Canyon) and let the river flow. It would save enough water for 50,000 homes in the first year. Of course, that would be offset by shorting the electric grid by about 100,000 homes. The current water level is it's lowest since the dam was completed. City of Paige, Arizona has been officially put on notice that they might lose their water supply which is the pool behind GC dam. Whether they open the valves or not.

California has been put on notice via a peer reviewed paper that says they are quite overdue for a mega flood event (a 100 year event which last happened in 1862) that could cause 1 Trillion dollars in damage.

I have more evidence. Even a photograph of a potential campsite I checked out in NorCal this year.
A trash dump.jpg

I ended up finding a place, but this would have made a great 'dispersal camping' site if not for the obvious drawbacks.


Somebody needs to convince US

I wish them the best of luck with that, they're gonna need it.

I've been reading about all that, Central Valley is gonna wash away but until that happens water's gonna be a bit um, scarce. Upper basin of the Colorado might be relatively okay but y'all further downstream are in for a bad time. Makes me think of Mesa Verde and how it came to be abandoned, I wonder how the this drought measures up to that one. Bets on how long it takes for the fighting over 'water rights' to start?

That's just infuriating, it don't take that much extra effort to clean up after yourself. Here it all ends up in the rivers when it floods and then you have a floating parade of trash. As kids we'd go shoot at it with .22s.

The fight over water rights has already begun. The Colorado Compact expires anyway in 2024 and with the low water? It's going to be nasty, I fear.

Yeah, I knew the legal wrangling had already begun, I was more wondering when the gunfire starts. There's a case to be made that the Syrian and Libyan civil wars are the first of the new water wars, I don't think it'd take too much for us to find ourselves in a similar situation.