Up The Hill

in Black And White5 months ago

Every time I go to the places where I lived as a child I do this. I go up the hill!

I had the good fortune of a childhood spent in the country, in a small village on the outskirts of a small town, actually a neighborhood of the city.

It was a small village in the hills that grew little by little until it stuck to the nearby town. For me, the town was only important for short trips to the movies or the circus.

The favorite place to play was "on the hill", as it was called by all the inhabitants.

Every visit of my brother, who lives in that village, in the renovated house of my grandparents, the first walk is "on the hill", with the whole family.


Reaching the hill requires a short uphill walk, which can be tiring.




When I walk with others, I'm always at the back, last in the group, and it's not because I'm more tired than them. I like to walk in the back because I can often photograph without the others noticing, and capture their naturalness, unchanged by the camera view.



Everyone's taking pictures thanks to their smartphones. A marvelous invention that brings into our hands a computer, a radio, a camera, a cinema and TV, communication, satisfying our curiosities and solving our queries!




The strange thing is, and only now I realize it, that the hill doesn't have a name, or I never knew it. Instead, every hill has a valley, and this valley has a name, Glimeii Valley!



We are still on our journey toward reaching the peak, the highest place, but we always try...



The peak is not far; we're already walking up the hillside. How many memories are flooding me? I see myself as a child, with dozens of friends, acting out scenes from movies. The favorite was a movie with Native Americans, Winettou. We were all Indians, and we all had black hair made of wool. On the hill, it was always very windy, and we had our hair blowing over our heads.



Once we reach the highest point, we enjoy the most spectacular view. It's marvelous to be able to look all the way to the horizon without any obstructions blocking your view!



I didn't say why I chose to show this story in black and white.

My childhood was as vivid and colorful as childhood was. After it has passed, whenever I think of those wonderful moments, I see everything only in black and white.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

I rely mostly on photos in all my blogs. Words don't help me as much as photos.

I always start with photos when I want to write a blog. Photos remind me of places, events, and feelings that then turn into words. When I post in Photography Lovers the words have even less importance, they are a companion to the photos I want to show. This often makes the story uninteresting or common, yet it is necessary; otherwise, the photos would merely be a series of unexciting images.

I make this statement as a plea to those reading not to over-judge the text and to focus on the photos. The story puts everything in context and provides the explanations and clarifications necessary for the blog to convey something of interest to the reader.

Since we all love photography, let’s explore the captivating details captured in these photos.!

A wise saying goes that a photograph is worth a thousand words, but I don't think so.

It depends on the viewer.

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Wow... A fun trip, playing in the hilly area is certainly very fun for my friend, especially our childhood place that we have left for a long time, some good shots of my friend.

Thank you!

It gave me the feeling of walking there in another distant time... a feeling of joyful memories. Very beautiful photographs. This one is my favourite🤗


It really was, a journey into another time. I'm glad you noticed that.

I was inspired by that very thing, the autumn colours are so beautiful....

It seems the place has not been changed much over the years. I can't say the same for my neighbourhood.

Yes, it hasn't changed much and I'm glad about that.

Wow! What an amazing place to reminisce and enjoy thinking back of childhood years in an actual place where everything seems like had just happened yesterday. I feel you, and I like enjoying this scenario. Sending regards to your family uphill. Enjoy and have fun!

Thank you!