
The !YUP command is also an alternative to the INDEED token tipping command. 😏


!DOH !YEP of course! ;-)

And the !DOH command is an alternative to the WEIRD token tipping command. 🤓😏


Yes !INDEED my friend ;-)

There's that other token tipping command alternative to !WEIRD that might be #nsfw. 🤔🤯😅


!ALIVEThat's still not #nsfw due to the spelling ;-) But I could make a #nsfw version as well... Maybe we need another instance of the bot, especially for #nsfw calls!!!! !B***Y and such!! lol

While not directly #nsfw, the term itself is close enough to it that some people would already consider it #nsfw. 🤔🤯 Even the "weed" word itself is already #nsfw to some people. 🤯