Monomad Challenge-Project Closure [ENG/ESP]

in Black And White2 years ago


Hello friends of @BlackAndWhiteCommunity , pleased to publish again in this community which has been some time since I published. In the month of March in the institution where I work we made the closing of the project, I was preparing my children to perform a dance of joropo, Venezuelan llanera music. We were rehearsing for a week the steps that the children had to learn. Each day of practice the children learned a new step and enjoyed it very much.

On the closing day of the project the girls and boys arrived early with their respective costumes they looked beautiful, the girls arrived wearing a white shirt and long skirt, the boys with their llanero hat and plaid shirts. One ade the Albanhys girls could not bring the skirt outfit but I told her that this did not iomporaba that she could attend in ble jeans, the important thing was that she was present at the activity, it was what mattered to me more than the attire.

On the day of the project closing the students arrived early with their respective costumes they looked beautiful, the girls arrived wearing a white shirt and long skirt, the boys with their llanero hat and plaid shirts. One of the Albanhys girls could not bring the skirt outfit, but I told her that it did not matter that she could attend in blue jeans, the important thing was that she was present at the activity, that was what mattered most to me, more than the attire was her presence.

The children were a little anxious and nervous as the time for their performance approached. But when it was their turn to listen to the music it all dissipated and they just danced like never before and you could hear the crowd cheering them on and chanting the song.
The presentation was a success the children stood out performing the joropo dance, I was all the time reminding them of the steps to perform, but it seems that it was not necessary because they had already memorized them to perfection, they received much applause from the spectators and congratulations from the representatives and teachers.

The photos are my own and were taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 7A cell phone
Separators @brume7
Translated with (free version)

Thank you for your support and for reading me to the end
It will be until next time, take care


Hola amigos de @BlackAndWhiteCommunity , complacida de publicar nuevamente en esta comunidad la cual hace algún tiempo que no publicaba. En el mes de marzo en la institución donde laboro realizamos el cierre de proyecto, estuve preparando a mis niños para que realizaran un baile de joropo, música llanera venezolana. Estuvimos ensayando una semana los pasos que los niños debían aprender. Cada dia de practica los niños aprendían un paso nuevo y lo disfrutaban mucho.

El día del cierre de proyecto los estudiantes llegaron temprano con sus respectivos trajes se veían hermosos, las niñas llegaron vistiendo una camisa blanca y falda larga, los niños con su sombrero de llanero y camisas a cuadros. Una de las niñas Albanhys no pudo traer la vestimenta de la falda, pero yo le dije que eso no importaba que podía asistir en blue jeans, lo importante era que estuviera presente en la actividad, era lo que más me importaba, más que el atuendo era su presencia.

Los niños estaban un poco ansiosos y nerviosos a medida que se acercaba el momento de su presentación. Pero cuando les toco su turno al escuchar la música todo se disipo y solo bailaron como nunca se podía escuchar la algarabía de la multitud aupándoles y coreando la canción.
La presentación fue un éxito los niños se destacaron realizando el baile de joropo, yo estuve en todo momento recordándole los pasos que debían realizar, pero parece que no hacía falta porque ya los habían memorizado a la perfección , recibieron muchos aplausos por parte de los espectadores y felicitaciones por parte de los representantes y maestras.

Las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi Redmi 7A
Separadores @brume7
Traducido con (versión gratuita)

Gracias por tu apoyo y por leerme hasta el final
Sera hasta la proxima,a cuidarse