Urban Fest: Monomad (ENG/ES)






PXL_20230825_223535124 (1).jpg

Skatepark ByN-01 (1).jpg

Skatepark ByN-07.jpg

Shot on Google Pixel 6
50 Mpx Samsung GN1 (ISOCELL)-Aperture ƒ/ 1.85-Pixel size 1.20 µm-Pixel Binning 1-4 (2x2)-sensor size 1/1.31"

Ultra Wide camera 12 Mpx (unknown)-Aperture ƒ/ 2.2-Pixel size 1.12 µm


Click aquí para leer en español.

Creating consistent galleries has been a challenge that I haven't even taken the time to properly assume. I know that no matter how hard I try, there will always be photographs that won't necessarily work well with the same preset or concept. So instead of torturing myself with unsatisfactory results, I'd rather let everything flow in the direction my instinct tells me.

I still haven't refined that sense enough. While editing the photos from the Urban Fest, I realized that several shots could have great potential, but I had no idea how to take advantage of it. After multiple attempts, some photos were not completely discarded, but went to a separate folder where they could have a second chance.

Finally, I edited a couple of photos in a monochrome style and it seemed like a good way to find a new interpretation for those photos with a second chance. I slowly started to rescue photos that I didn't know how to use, and I was glad when they started to make sense. However, something was missing.

I knew I was on the right track, but I couldn't visualize my destination. Everything changed when I discovered that some of the photos had a strange but pleasant appearance of newspaper photos. That's when I understood it.

I'm not a journalist and I don't pretend to be one, but I've always been attracted to the profession. In my work, I somehow report on what has happened, whether through photos, text, or video, I tell stories about important events in my city.

Several years ago, the physical format of newspapers disappeared, and with it also the unique feeling that the photos produced in their monochrome pages. In honor of that lost experience and because of my search for nostalgic sensations, I took that path in this gallery.

I hope you enjoyed this. I send you a big hug.



Crear galerías consistentes ha sido un reto que ni siquiera me he tomado el tiempo de asumir correctamente. Y es que sé que por mucho que lo intente, siempre habrán fotografías que no necesariamente funcionarán bien a partir del mismo preset o concepto. Así que en lugar de torturarme con resultados insatisfactorios, mejor dejo que todo fluya en la dirección que me dicte el instinto.

Respecto a esto último, todavía no he refinado ese sentido lo suficiente. Mientras editaba las fotografías del Urban Fest me di cuenta de que varias tomas podían tener un gran potencial, pero no tenía ni idea de como aprovecharlo. Luego de múltiples intentos, algunas fotografías en lugar de ser totalmente descartadas, pasaron a una carpeta aparte donde podían tener una segunda oportunidad.

Finalmente edité un par de fotos con un estilo monocromático y me pareció una buena forma de buscar una nueva interpretación para esas fotos con carta de repechaje. Poco a poco fui rescatando fotografías que no sabía como aprovechar, y me alegré cuando empezaron a cobrar sentido. Sin embargo, algo les faltaba.

Sabía que iba en el camino correcto, pero no podía visualizar mi destino. Todo cambió cuando descubrí que algunas de las fotos tenían una extraña pero placentera apariencia de fotografías de periódico. Fue entonces cuando lo entendí.

No soy periodista ni pretendo serlo, pero siempre me ha llamado la atención la profesión. Al hacer mi trabajo de alguna manera reporto lo que se ha vivido, ya sea a través de fotos, textos o video, yo cuento historias sobre eventos de importancia en mi ciudad.

Hace varios años el formato físico de los diarios desapareció, y con este también se perdió la sensación única que producían las fotos en sus páginas monocromáticas. En honor a esa experiencia perdida y a causa de mi búsqueda de sensaciones nostálgicas, tomé ese camino en esta galería.

Espero que te haya gustado. Te mando un abrazo enorme.


✂️ Edición | Edition: @huesos

🈹🔁🅰️ Traducción | Translation: Bard


📸 Imágenes | Pictures: @huesos

⌨️ Redacción | Writing: @huesos

 2 years ago  

I don't know if it's my screen or what.. but I clearly see blue and yellow/brownish tones on your images.
If that's the case please keep in mind that we are a black and white community.
We do accept monochromatic edits too, but that's where it stops in terms of color for us. 🙂Hello @cavernadehuesos

Gotta be your screen, mate. Or you are kidding. Maybe there's a warm tone and that's it. I definitely dropped saturation to -100. If I made a mistake, let me know. I can send you the preset so you could see if there's a problem. My intention was to make a black and white but warm preset very alike the old journals.

 2 years ago  

It's not my screen. The preview of your post stands out from all the others in the community.
Anyway, I am not here to argue.
Just keep in mind we are a black and white community in you future posts.

Mate, I do want to make things clear. Where can I send you the preset so you can confirm that there are no colors in my pictures? I am showing them to people around and no one sees it. This is not Just discouraging, but is absurd. If my phone and my computer are not showing any colors and the saturation is dropped down to -100, how come you are noticing colors? Even if you are right, that means something is very wrong and I think is important to discover it.

 2 years ago  

I am trying to be polite, and, as I said above, I am not here to argue.
Picking on your own words, let's drop the absurdness, shall we?

Yeah, let's drop it. I was trying to understand what happened. But if you say so, don't worry. You are right. I'll make sure I won't do it again if I ever discover how are you seeing colors out of this preset. I'm really worried about it as an apprentice trying to do it right. Thanks for your help.
