And Now For Something Completely Different!

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While I normally post photos of people and landscapes I come across in my wanderings I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a Monty Python reference and change things up a bit. I was scrolling through some photos I'd found on an SD card I'd misplaced for a while when I found these shots.

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While I will keep with my habit of posting a song that I'm listening to as I write, it definitely falls into the different category. The song below is Wolf Totem by The HU, a Mongolian folk metal band. Between the throat singing and the instruments it's bit of a change at least...

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All these photos were taken during one of the only snows we got here a couple years ago. I'd came across this metal cage with ice and drops of water from melting snow hanging off and just couldn't pass it up. While I like how these turned out it also made me wish I had a macro lens to play with on occasions such as these.

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It never ceases to amaze me how little it takes for mundane, everyday items and objects can transform into some rather fun and interesting photo subjects. What things do y'all like to play with for experimenting with photos and taking more abstract shots? Which Monty Python movie is the greatest?


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

It's amazing the visual effect such a mundane thing as droplets on fencing (cage) can have. Great photos mate, and again, the black and white lends it a nice dramatic effect.

I'd have to say Monty Python and the Holy Grail for sure.

Thanks! I would have to agree with you, I have watched that film way too many times! With the snow and the black metal it was nearly monochromatic to begin with, I feel like it just brought the contrast out even more to make it completely b&w.

Great photos, but that's to be expected from you anyway. 🙂

Yeah, it's a funny movie...Life of Brian also, but the Holy Grail is my fave. I've also seen it about a hundred times too many, and will again. 😁

My dad introduced my brothers and I to Monty Python, by the time we made it out of high school we could quote most of Holy Grail and Life of Brian...the "alright, I am the messiah, now fuck off!" line is still my favorite thing to yell at street preachers and any prayers before meals in my family mention the holy hand grenade of Antioch :)

Lol...It was similar in my household with my dad and older brother, not so much with my two younger...It was a timing thing, although they can both still quote it. So funny.

I love that part in the Life of Brian when they're discussing what the Roman's have done for them. It's all good stuff though. Comedies these days barely make me laugh out loud once or twice...Monty Python gets me going though.

You know, I didn't want to say anything but since you brought it up, you need a macro lens.


I appreciate your discretion!