Can You Compost Snow?

We got about nine inches of snow, which was neat. Then we got a half inch of ice and didn't lose power, which was cool. Downright warm, actually. Some more snow, an intermission, and then one final round of snow. All in all, it fun change of pace. For the first week.

It's going on two weeks now, the snow and ice have hung around past the expiration date and now it's starting to rot and turn black. Does anyone know if you can compost snow?

A decent bit has melted already but there's still plenty to be composted. Pretty sure the only thing more of a mess than snow and ice is the mud and muck that comes with it melting. Does make for fun puddle reflections though. It just has started to rain, so that should make things better.

Is phonewalking a thing where y'all live? Was going for puddle reflections and had a phone wander into my shot. Couldn't hardly believe it, crossing the street looking at your phone during rush hour like that is brave.

Drove past a strip club today and the marquee just said "Don't drink & drive. People are texting & driving. They will hit you." They weren't kidding either, there's always good advice to be had from the Thoroughbred Lounge.

I wonder if film photographers get asked by random strangers to take their photo and then send it to them a lot? Lately my street portraits have been all 'Take my picture! Now send it to me.' It's not that I mind so much as they have some curious notions about how long that might take.

Anyways, that's enough for one day, it is 0230 and my bed is calling and I must go. Be safe out there y'all.


Some good shots of my friend, but my question, just like you, can snow be used as compost, it's still wondering 🤣🤣

Maybe we'll never know
Thank you :)

Beautiful shots
The scene captured in your lens tells more about the story in place

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 2 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.