Going For A Ride

Let's go for a ride! *Helmets not required. Just point that thing down Randomness Lane and open up the throttle. For those of you not from the area, it's just past the intersection of Squalor and Bedlam, you can't miss it.

Once you make it over to the wrong side of the tracks you got to stop and say howdy to Burls. Burls may be a hobo of sorts but is always willing to listen to your troubles.

Keep your head on a swivel when you get into the Mixed Messages neighborhood, they really know not what they do down around those parts.

Pay no mind if you see a peeping Tom Santa scaling a building, that's just what passes for bar security around here. At least at the pseudo Irish pubs.

When you start passing power poles that look like this you'll know you've nailed it. Or stapled it. Or something. Just remember to say a prayer for flyers gone by.

Just remember to stay focused. On the road, not your reflections. And beware of the half priced wine, it's just part of the DUI lawyers' racket.

Hang on to your ape hangers y'all, the ride may be random but there's a reward at the end.

Window kitties at the cat cafe!


Squalor and Bedlam? We have that same street corner here!
Great photos!

Sending you an Ecency curation vote

The last picture is a cutie
Nice activity day!

'murican weirdness at its finest

 7 months ago  Reveal Comment