I Have Questions...

Why are cats so weird? Does anybody else have a cat with a voracious appetite for plastic and kale?


Tito swears he's not looking down on you

Is it just me or does humanity have an obsession with self-destruction? Here in Kentucky we love our coal, so much so that you can pay extra to have your vehicle's license plate declare you a 'friend of coal'. Reminds me of how the old alcoholics used to joke about being members of DAMM, Drunks Against Mad Mothers.


Is anybody in the market for a half completed bunker complex? Sure, it looks like an abandoned old quarry but isn't that what you want people to think?


Does anybody still drink milk regularly as an adult? Are humans the only critters that continue to drink it milk even after they can eat proper food? Well, aside from cats but they're weird and don't count...


I've milked this enough I reckon, so I'll leave you with one last photo and question.


What do you call a man with no arms or legs who is hanging on a wall?



Kale? :D Thant's new!
My cat loves avocadoes and coconut oil. Will not touch milk (unless it is condensed, sweet and from a can).

I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it first but he seems to relish it quite a bit. Avocadoes and coconut oil, never heard of that before :D

Yeah but they drink milk when humans give it to them. Common denominator here is humans.

Terrible photos per yuze.

Damn them hoomans...

Haha! My Dutch girlfriend had a cat called Max who had a plastic bag fetish.
Wherever there was a plastic bag, Max would find it, and you would always hear him licking the plastic 😅🙃
He would lick bags throughout the night😂

He would lick bags throughout the night


Tito has similar skills in finding plastic bags, except he just takes bites out of them. You'll go to take the trash out and discover that he's been snacking.

Oh cats are so funny!😆 They have the best life😁

Our cat likes to chew cardboard boxes while hiding inside them. Its hilarious until there's a slightly damp cat head sticking out of a soggy cardboard box. Then its just kinda disturbing.

As for your last question... if they were twins they'd be Curt n Rod.

As usual, Nice shots


Now I'm kinda hoping Tito learns that trick sometime soon. I'll have to remember that about the twins, I'd not come across that one before.


Its a great trick, Our cat has the dumbest name ever... Harold... We always say HEEEERES Harold when he pops out of the side of a soggy box. It never gets old.

No can really figure out what cats actually want. They are hmm what's the word madly spontaneous is how I'd put it 😂

Madly spontaneous, I like that, it definitely fits. Do cats even know what cats want?

Haha yeah it does doesn't it, they don't know shit 😂

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