Ode To Louisville Drivers

Louisville drivers are brave, in their own special 'impervious to red lights and intolerant of speed limits' way. Live free, die young. Every machine is a smoke machine if you drive it wrong enough.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't park there." Never know where you're going to find somebody parked. Almost all of the trees lining Southern Parkway bear the scars of surprise parkings.

Buildings too. In recent years the city's drivers have taken it upon themselves to demonstrate once and for all that any building can be a parking garage if you try hard enough.

Meanwhile all the truck drivers have broken up with physics and embraced the power of positive thinking.

Have to hand it to them, they've really stuck with it well.

They say good things come to those who wait, so everyone here should be in for a treat soon.

Bet it's compost flavored ice cream. The real treat is just seeing what is out cruising in the streets.

Pickups with broken backs, rolling testaments to the power of bungee cords, BMW drivers without the slightest inkling of what a turn signal is, you never know what you'll encounter.

The expressways are where the real magic happens, where else can you watch someone spin out doing 90 mph, hit a concrete wall and just keep driving?

It was rather impressive, when the lockdown happened here in 2020 the amount of traffic declined considerably. The number of traffic deaths managed to do the opposite. Not sure what you can say other than that drivers here are a rare breed.


Ahahahahaha. Great spread!

We here in Yuma have the Newtonian (equal but opposite) formula. Low speeds and every bit of the smoke contained. A surprisingly large fraction of the population seems to fear that they will tip their rig over in any turn over 5 mph. Speed limits are for first responders only. If you can see a car (and you can see a LONG way in our flat environment) it's way too busy to enter traffic. The half mile long entry ramps to the freeway are meant to be traveled at 35 mph so that you can merge with 65 mph traffic without intent.

We still have lots of broken buildings. Old people seem to forget which pedal does what when they leave their ride for a time. It's low speed, sure, but they never stop until their car can't go any farther. I can't tell you how many handicapped parking signs have been left inside restaurants, doctor's offices and hearing aid shops...

Thank ya!

Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of that too, they just never let off the throttle and pass'em in the turn lane here. For the past few years they've been 'right-sizing' the main drags here, which mostly seems to consist of taking a street with two lanes going each direction and reducing it to one each way with a turn lane in the middle. You wouldn't think that'd be enough to make people lose their minds but it seems to have worked out that way. Ha, here you're going to slow if you're only driving the speed limit, I've definitely passed cops doing 15 over the limit, looked over and made eye contact and then kept right on going and they don't do anything.

Here at least the old people are playing second fiddle to the bourbon trail, think we may have reached the point where emphasizing alcohol may be backfiring. There's a bar here that gets hit often enough that we've verbed its name and just call it a magbarring when a building gets hit.

That sounds so crazy! But makes your pictures pop even more ✨

At least according to this, Louisville ranks 7th in the US for the worst drivers. I can believe it but having moved here from a rural area, I just thought all city drivers were like that 🤣 Thank you :)

Hehe. Someone I knew, who would have fitted right in there in Louisville used to say: Everything is powered by smoke. Because when all the smoke comes out and it no longer smokes, it's broken and you have to take it to a place where they refill the smoke...

Pretty much 😂 Gonna have to remember that one.

It's a fact of fact, a little crazy but some of your portraits are very interesting with a lot of cars 😁😁

I think it's all the cars that make the people around here a little crazy :D