Playing With Plants


People can be a bit much sometimes. When I need a break from sticking a camera in people's faces, plants provide a welcome respite. Unless it is windy they're usually much more cooperative subjects and never get agitated when you take their photo.


Sometimes they have friends over who are a little more excitable but mostly if you leave them alone they'll leave you alone. Occasionally they'll even pose for photos.


Flowers are upstanding outstanding subjects and generally smell better than people anyways.


Besides, its hard to beat being able to just step out your door and start shooting. With all the extra time at home since covid came calling, growing things has been a nice distraction hobby.


Any of y'all out there grow stuff just to take photos of it? Anybody want to swap flower seeds? This post has started to grow on me but it's probably time to bring it to an end.


great collection

 3 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.

Sweet! Thanks so much!