Protest Photos, Information Request

"When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called "the People's Stick"." --Mikhail Bakunin

Calling Venezuela, anybody got your ears on? Y'all had an election recently and there was a lot being said about the 'official' results being shady and people taking to the streets and then the media here got distracted and it's been crickets since.

In 2020 I got well acquainted with how skewed media coverage can get, especially once politics gets involved. Here there's no getting away from politics but this being a social media platform means we can cut out the middleman.

Venezuela seems to be well represented here on hive, could some of y'all help a yanqui out and tell me what the situation is? @malos10 and @jlinaresp are always posting lovely photos from Venezuela, you wouldn't happen to have photos of what's happening or be able to point me in the direction of those that do would you?

Photos are all from the rising here in Louisville in 2020.

"Cuando a la gente la golpean con un palo, no se alegran mucho si se les llama "el palo del pueblo"." --Mikhail Bakunin

¿Alguien ha oído hablar de Venezuela? Hace poco hubo elecciones y se dijo mucho que los resultados "oficiales" eran turbios y que la gente había salido a la calle. Luego los medios de comunicación se distrajeron y desde entonces no se ha vuelto a saber nada.

En 2020, me di cuenta de lo sesgada que puede llegar a ser la cobertura mediática, especialmente cuando se involucra la política. Aquí no hay forma de escapar de la política, pero al ser una plataforma de redes sociales, podemos prescindir del intermediario.

Venezuela parece estar bien representada aquí en Hive, ¿podrían algunos de ustedes ayudar a un yanqui y decirme cuál es la situación? @malos10 y @jlinaresp siempre están publicando fotos hermosas de Venezuela, ¿no tendrán fotos de lo que está sucediendo o podrían indicarme dónde están las que sí las tienen?

Las fotos son todas del levantamiento aquí en Louisville en 2020. Mi español nunca fue bueno y se ha ido oxidando durante los últimos 20 años, así que esto fue traducido con Google. Cuídense mucho, todos.


I always enjoy your photos man, it takes people into situations they may not normally be in.

Also, I just wrote a post which I'll release on the weekend and I tagged you in with it bro! Lol. It's a post inspired by a recent comment you made to me which I took as a compliment, the one about OPSEC.

I hope you're well.

I curangeled this post mate.

I think the head shrinkers call it 'novelty seeking behavior.' On a more serious note, thanks man, I'm glad to hear that. This being the internet, that vague sense of shouting into the void never fully goes away.

Uh-oh! Deal with it I shall I suppose. Lol. It was definitely a compliment, that was something that always stood out about you, look forward to reading the post.

I'm fighting off the tail end of a bout with covid but it never even came close to manflu, so I'm calling it well enough.

Thanks mate, appreciate it.

I don't know when it became a thing to blast everything out there on the interwebs but people seem so intent on it and yet pretend (on Hive) that they have anonymity. Bonkers.

I hope you like the post, just a few thoughts on the matter is all.

Now, we all know how bad covid is so I'm glad you're getting over it...But it's certainly no manflu...that's a most deadly affliction! Lol.

I think it was when they started letting the "grown-ups" get online. I still miss the days of dynamic IP addresses, anonymity is a lot more work these days. Not that most of these yahoos know what that is anyways, bonkers indeed.

I enjoyed it, had to read it before I went outside. A little OPSEC might be good for some people.

This was far from mortal, so I'm calling myself lucky :D

Don't be getting jealous now...

I went nah.. alright, nahhhh.. alright.

Fotos de una verdad pasada pero que se revive a cada instante en diferentes partes del mundo, es una pena que Venezuela sea la víctima actual😞

Demasiado cierto.

It looks like the people are not cool with the election results…
Maybe it was rigged

By any account I've come across it was definitely rigged.

 7 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.

Sweet, thanks so much!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!