Is it just me or has life taken up residency in the theatre of the absurd lately? "Shock and awe" I saw'em calling it, remember how that worked out the last time? DemocraticRepublican Guard puts up a token show of resistance and gives up, Mission Accomplished! Heh, 'freedom fries.' Guess we've been squatting in the basement of the theatre of the absurd for a while now.
Took a bit for people to organize amongst themselves but eventually it blew up in their faces like an IED on Route Irish. Went on a side quest this evening, ended up doing some math. Did you know that even with 49.8% of the popular vote, Trump voters make up just 22% of the US population? Some majority rule, eh?
As a lapsed historian, I have a huge favor to ask; can we please retire the Nazi comparisons? Even when they're apt, that horse has long since been beaten into glue, nobody takes it seriously and the kids have started sniffing it. Besides, why opt for intellectual laziness when there's a whole smorgasbord of atrocity and inhumanity to draw parallels from? Cultural Revolution makes for a much more fun comparison, and if you really need to give'em the Fear just trot out the Khmer Rouge.
This flood of words and photos from Frankfort has been brought to you by caffeine and pseudoephedrine. Hooray cats! There's some serious business going on in Frankfort right now, they're working on holding parents responsible for the threats their kids make. . . and also on lowering the concealed carry age to 18 (permit not required here).
Now ain't that some shit?
Seems like a lot is happening, and you're just on hand to capture it.
Great clicks 🫡
You know that feeling you get when you're bored and you just wish something, anything would happen to break up the boredom, and then it does and you just as fervently want your boredom back? I think I'm about to start missing the boredom again.
Thank you sir!
I do know that feeling, It's an endless loop.
You're welcome ser 🫡
It does seem that way. Can't shake the feeling that the next few years are going to be rather lively.