White girl wasted, precisely. Lol, that's one I ain't heard in a while. At least one year they were climbing on top of the porta-pots in the infield and seeing how far they could run before falling off. Some of them even won a prize and got a pair of shiny bracelets and a free ride downtown. At least when I was working at the track most of the staff was almost equally as drunk 🤣
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DAHAHAHAHA WTH!! We have the Hydroplane races on the Columbia River and it used to be the WILD!! It’s become more of a family event nowadays.
The infield is wild...
WOW… simply WOW!! 😂😂😂
People at the derby be like…

The clothes they're puking on are usually much more expensive but that's about the only difference 🤣
Instead of beer it’s fruity drinks. Lol