Rock & Roll!!!


It's something of a weird feeling to be out in the middle of nowhere, following a trail that consists mostly of piles of rocks intermittently stacked up. If I was a kid I would have had a field day "improving" the trail... Almost enough to make you think about your childhood mischief a little differently.


Well, maybe not but it does help to keep you from getting bored following a trail. One day I got the bright idea to shoot the sunset from a spot at the end of one of those trails, discovered that darkness adds a whole new level of fun to it on the hike back.


I've been rocking out to All Them Witches and couldn't help but edit some more photos of desert rocks. All these photos are from Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, down in southeastern Utah near Moab.


Saw the other day that La Nina is in effect, which means that most of the western US will even less rain than normal. The area where these photos were taken is already a desert, so it's kinda hard to imagine it getting much less rain. Might make logistics for future adventures there a little more interesting...


It actually rained while I was in Moab but that seems to invariably follow my arrival in a new place. First I set foot in Santa Fe, New Mexico it come a gullywasher and turned all those steep streets into streams. I should probably get into the rainmaker business, the margins are better and the overhead is lower than with chemtrail work for sure.


That's enough random rocks but if you're looking for a little more music to rock out to, check out Tom Morello's (of Audioslave and Rage Against The Machine fame) new album, The Atlas Underground Fire. It's got a little bit of everything on it, including Bruce Springsteen & Eddie Vedder covering AC/DC's Highway to Hell.


What is it with the rock piles man? I mean I don't get it but at the same time really enjoy finding them and often grab a photo. #rockpilefetish

I blame all the rock & roll 😎

Most of the trails I've been on have been marked with blazes if they're marked at all, so encountering the rock piles was quite the novelty. I'd never seen them before the trip all these photos are from. Lol, I did the same thing with the windmills/wind turbines until I got bored of them too.

Lol yeah, the rock & roll or bloody Instagram and Facebook...All those rock piles make for great rockpile-selfie inspiration. Inspo, I think they call it though. 🙄