Shooting Guns


I haven't gotten to fire my guns in way too long but I did get to shoot one not too long ago. With ammo prices going nowhere but up, going to the range is starting to get a little rich for my blood.


These photos are all from the last time I cleaned my 9mm. I'd had the bright idea to shoot a bunch of photos of the cleaning process. . . then it occurred to me that gun oil and cameras probably wasn't the best combination. Instead, I improvised a lightbox using poster board and desk lamps and just experimented with the camera and gun.


I'm calling these 'still death', it's like a still life but deadlier! For some inexplicable reason my highest earning stock photo is one of a single bullet sitting in front of a loaded magazine from an earlier round of shooting guns lightbox experiments. Why someone in California would pay a couple hundred bucks for that is beyond me but I will gladly take their money. And those magazines ain't even legal in Cali 😎


Simple and lethal, handheld death for the masses. A mechanical savior/destroyer duality. Nitrocellulose nightmares in the back of your waistband.


Everybody is at least somewhat familiar with the golden rule (them that has the gold makes the rules) but have you heard of the lead rule? It is 'do unto others before others can do unto you' and I'm pretty sure that is part of the reason feuding was so popular in eastern Kentucky for a long while.

If you're ever in a jam and your gun is jammed too, Tap, Rack, Bang is the thing to do!


Ammo prices still up? It's weird, I'm down here shooting a few hundred a week so crazy to hear ammo is still costly up there. Having said that, I bought a whole stack of components a while back and make my own so have a fairly endless good supply.

Yeah, reloading is the way to go if you're going to shoot on anything like a regular basis. Between panic buying and adding 8-9 million new gun owners last year, demand has outstripped supply by a large margin. Last time I was looking at ammo they were limiting you to a couple 50 round boxes. Kinda makes me think it might be a good time to break out the old recurve bow again.

How much of a headache is it to get smokeless powder for reloading over there?

It's always time for a bow.

I use ADI powders (Australian) which haven't been at all difficult to get although back before the pandemic when they ran one out and replaced it was a little tight but more because there was a small gap between stock if the old and supply of the new. Other lwise it's readily available.

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