First time I got my work critiqued, I paid LensCulture for a portfolio review. Thirty bucks to be told 'you need detail shots.' What the fuck's a detail shot? The devil's in the details you know.
It was useful information but for thirty bucks I was expecting to get a little more than that out of it. C'este la vie and all that. Ever since I've been trying to shoot more detail shots. It's still a work in progress.
Recently I've been working on a photo story on a local bit of history, the Little Loomhouse. The buildings date back to the late 19th century but it didn't become the Little Loomhouse until the 1930s. It continues to offer weaving and sundry other textile arts classes and I was fortunate enough to be allowed to photograph a weaving class this past Saturday.
My biggest issue with detail shots is that I get caught up in everything that's going on and forget to take them. Too much action for that. May have happened again Saturday, these are the closest it got to detail shots. Think they need to be closer up to count as a proper detail shot but I like'em anyways.
Still working on weaving together the full story but had to edit a few in monochrome. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some fine print to be reading.
Looks like detail shots to me!