Hi, Paksmala.
You're super pretty.
You're super pretty and super interesting, which makes what I have to say super difficult...
Um.... Paksmala?
I need you to leave.
NO! Not leave town. God, no. Just my iPad.
It's only 32gig and I can't have all these gorgeous photos of you clogging up the memory.
To make the transition easier, I've invited some of your friends. There will be peanuts and kibble and fresh water for everybody.
Thanks for being so understanding, Paksmala.
See ya in the real world soon, buddy.
Black and White Community.
Give it a try.This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the
Crow featured is Paksmala. Isn't she lovely? She has four white dots over her right eye and one over her left. These markings are not typical for American Crows, which are normally all black. You can see a video of her up close here. In color.
CrowTube Channel
NFT Crowroom
A percentage of this post's rewards goes back to support the community.
All the stuff (pictures, words, exquisite crows, etc.) I put in this post and any of my other posts is mine (unless otherwise stated) and can't be used by anyone else unless I say it's ok.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Wow, thank you!!
Really great details in the close ups, I could watch crows for hours and hours!
Thank you!
Wouldn't you know it, you can!
She looks very mature and rational; I trust she took it well. These black and white photos make me imagine that her eyes are a striking blue.
Gasp! (The kind of gasp where you inhale for a long time and end up choking on something like spittle or a bit of pork rind that was still in your teeth from snacking ten minutes earlier but then you play it off like it's nothing and like you're neither dying nor mortified.) That would be gorgeous.

Crow eyes are a lovely rich brown, but they are a striking blue when they are babies. Now I am wishing I had seen her when she was a baby. I will have to stalk her and see who she marries so I can ogle her kids! (My dream is that she marries Lod, provided she is indeed a lady and/or they love each other.)
Here's an old baby crow picture I found in some files. The blue is richer than it looks in this photo, though.
Just don't tell her about it. Before you know it they will all be wanting colored contact lens. What a mess that will be.
Haaaaw! It will be fun, though, watching them figure out how to put them in.
Just think of the team building of taking turns helping each other put them in their eyes with their beaks! But birds do have such a strong desire to peck shiny bright things...it could result in terrible injuries. Definitely not worth it.
They'd probably just end up drinking all the saline solution, anyway.
Beautiful @corvidae, Paksmala looks so sweet and the eye connection. I like the emotive quality you've captured, plus the way the feathers look, they have a very tactile feeing in the photos. How did that name come about and what's the meaning?
Thank you!
The name is Sanskrit, and means "possessing exquisite eyelashes." It seemed appropriate, since her eye dots remind me of henna art. Paksmala might be male, but I'm betting on female. I think she's only a year and a half old, and is due to find a mate this spring. I'm really hoping she moves in with Lod and Biggie.
That's such a lovely name. I can see why you chose it, based on your photos.
Pretty cool if she settles in like that (yeah, Paksmala looks like a she to me, but what do I know?)
The makeup really throws me off! It's quite feminine. But we're all about ditching gender roles and stereotypes here in Portland.
Hahaha, the make up! Where I live, that doesn't distinguish gender at all in humans. Who cares about gender roles as long as you know who you are!
And that reminds me! I was reading one of your older posts a little while ago and wanted to show you THIS:

Vancouver, BC. Davie Street District.
😂 You took that shot! I kind of like the bright colours of the rainbow crosswalks. Figures it's raining, that's so Vancouver.