They were just another crow family I fed on occasion when I walked the dog in the morning. Just a few familiar faces on my route. Then their young fledged the nest, and I discovered they had the pox.
A pox on your house! Isn't that how the expression goes?
It's a horrible curse. I wouldn't wish a pox on anyone after what I've seen with these kids.
Avian Pox. A disease transmitted to birds by biting insects. They get all bumpy and itchy and hideous.
I've been feeding this family every day now for close to two months. Lots of egg yolk and supplements to help their immune systems kick the pox's ass.
The lesions haven't gone away yet, but they all act healthy.
And still manage to look cute.
I've come to realize that, no matter what the outcome, the time and the expenses invested in their health has been worth the bond alone. But I'm still rootin' for 'em.
I bet now you are, too.
This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the Black and White Community.
Give it a try. It's easier than treating Avian Pox.
instagram: @se_pdx_crows
a percentage of this post's rewards goes back to support the community
I love these family photos and even their poxy look is endearing
Thank you! I am confident that they will beat it and one day be sleek and poxless.
Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.
Also, and in case you didn't yet, feel free to join our Black And White Community.
Yay!!! The Parkers and I thank you!!