Lol like bartenders and hairstylists? Yeah, sometimes. Fortunately we here in Oregon actually ARE licensed and have scope of practice on our side that we can/kinda have to (some people don't 🙄) use so that we don't have to give any advice or do any psychoanalyzing or think/care about it when the hour's up.
But when your friends and family start abusing your therapeutic nature, that's when you have to go rant in fine print about wanting to be a bitch because it's not in your nature to actually be that kind of bitch.
Therapy was great today! MY THERAPY with MY THERAPIST that I go to because I don't rely on my friends to "fix" me. Lol. Ok rant done.
I forgot about hair stylists, was thinking of bartenders and servers but aside from the booze I imagine that's much the same. Licensed here too, had a friend who'd graduated from massage school but never actually took the test to get the license, so she did it on the sly and had to deal with an insane amount of gross, sketchy bullshit. Lol, I bet that scope of practice comes in handy.
I used to have a rotating cast of characters that'd come sit on my couch and tell me all their troubles. Could never understand why, don't think therapeutic will ever be a word that describes me and certainly didn't then. Lol, you should just start handing your therapist's card out to everybody that comes to you.
I'm guessing you're the listening type. I bet people tell you their life stories in the grocery line, too.
Your poor friend. I see the reasoning behind not wanting to get licensed but man does it ever protect you from general sketchy gross bullshit with all the professional environments available. Not that gross sketchy doesn't still happen there, on occasion. I work at a clinic with doctors and the stealth creeps still manage to sneak in a "has anyone ever thought this was something else" every once in a while.
I do refer to my therapist sometimes, but not too often, because she's amazing and I need to be sure she still has time for me.
Oh god, everywhere. Most insane night of protests (my life?) here in 2020, I'm strapped and acting as perimeter security for the church that was sanctuary for protesters, ended up having to deal with two different people doing that. It was so fucking absurd. First one said "Oh" and left when I let him know I wasn't traffic control/parking, I was there in case the militias showed back up. Second one was a teenage runaway type that I finally had to tell 'look, you're calling attention to my position and I can't have that.'
Yeah, there was some substance use issues involved as well that didn't help anything either. I think she was mostly finding clients on craigslist, it was bad.
Ohhhhhh, she was THAT kind of massage.