LOL Bo absolutely swears under his breath. And over it. Constantly. He's a sailor, like me. He also poops wherever he wants, whenever he wants. Can you imagine that kind of luxury??
It would be reeeeaaaaally difficult to tell these crows apart because they are all the same crow (Lod), except the last one. Lod is Bo's dad. He has the most beautiful eyes of any crow, IMO. Junior is the last one. She's Lod's daughter (Bo's younger sister, don't worry, I'm happy to draw you a family tree) and due to move out soon so Lod can get a new mate (his died last spring). I don't want Junior to leave. I've never hoped for incest so badly in my life!
I mean, I've never hoped for it before, but, you know. Still grosses me out, but if it means Junior can stay...
I would love the leisure of eliminating without inconvenience. I would also like to digest as fast as birds, so that I could eat any old disgusting thing and not get food poisoning. So many inconveniences being a human.
Ha! Well chalk that misunderstanding up to my 2am limited brain function. I think bird romance is so very different that incest might just be perfectly acceptable. I will have a talk with the girls in the back yard tomorrow and get their opinion. I may can get a word in between them bok-boking at me for treats.
Tell those girls I said hello, and that they can thank the crows for putting me off rotisserie chicken!
But seriously, I'm curious to know what they say. Would they know what you're talking about, though? I mean, have they ever even seen a cock?
They have seen a cock and they have mixed reviews.
The first one we had was very sweet, although he didn't actually do his roosterly duties really in any way. He just trotted around and looked a little bit handsome (he was a fairly plain rooster) and never fertilized any eggs or even pretended to. We called him our gay rooster and we were fond of him. He passed away one day of unknown causes, not particularly old.
Then we got Rhett. Oh Rhett. I do miss him in some ways. He was the handsomest of all roosters. He should have been in modeling. He would be the bird equivalent of one of those Italian guys wearing teeny underwear in magazine ads. He was downright nasty though. He beat up his girls. I started taking a broom with me to the coop because he would eye me like he just needed to build a little more confidence before taking me on. Then one day he jumped on my daughter's back while she was innocently petting one of the girls, and that is the end of his story, or at least all that I know of it. Some guy I found on craigslist adopted him, because I refuse to eat birds that I know personally:) (I'm fairly light on the chicken consumption over all these days.)
Anyway, that was a long winded way of giving the girls credibility - they are familiar with cocks. And they say that bird incest is quite normal.
Rhett. Even the name sounds loaded with testosterone. Maybe he heard about the last rooster and was making up for what the sweetheart didn't have. One of those guys.
Today I took Pilot to visit the hens kept at the nearby school. One of them was very intent on sticking her head right up in another's ass. Like full on lost in the butt floofies. You might be glad to know that I did NOT think of you when I witnessed this. Your story reminded me, though, and I'm glad to have someone to tell who might be remotely interested and/or entertained.
Ha! I cannot say I have ever witnessed one of my girls lost in the butt floofies (btw, floofies is a perfect way to describe all those butt feathers), but I would not be surprised if it is a regular thing. Birds are entertaining creatures:)
They are! I'm convinced most birds have an excellent sense of humor.