
😂 Sweet punnyness! Don't hold your breathe, I don't have your skill with winged things, but I won't give up.

You get yelled at by Biggie? He most certainly does not disappoint.

I do! In the morning when I am still asleep and my aim sucks he yells at me for wasting kibble and throwing like a human.

😂 This is why you need to sprout feathers. Waste not that precious kibbley yummyness. It amazes me how you can get so close, feeding by hand. I need your secret methods.

Eternal patience and the ability to hold space is all you need! And good food.

I think I need to add one more thing to that....a lot more green space than where I am, lol. The others I can do.

And to think you passed up an opportunity to live in the Pacific Northwest! 😝

Well, that's a long story and to shorten it, I'll say that I've been four times, four different parts, three times planned moving, but it fell through three times, last time being in 2020, which brought it all full circle and completed that dream, that it wasn't meant to be.