Every photograph has a story. These images you share with us are just great my friend, you always capture special moments in the streets of your town, did you use your 55-300mm lens? 🙂
Cada fotografía tiene una historia. Estás imágenes que nos compartes son simplemente geniales mi amigo, siempre capturas momentos especiales en las calles de tu pueblo. ¿Usaste tu lente 55-300mm? 🙂
Hi friend @dimascastillo90 thanks for stopping by and appreciating!.... No, those photos were made with a Tokina 100mm Macro lens (Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO) ha ha ha! :)).... Obviously, it's not the recommended lens for street photography, but with a bit of practice you get used to it... It's also a lens that "absorbs great light" and that's excellent for cloudy mornings with low light as it allows me to use low ISO's and avoid grain or excessive noise... The problem is that the 100mm focal length makes me reprogram myself a bit and almost everything has to be photographed between 25 and 50 meters away if I want to avoid clipping or even up to 100 or 150 meters if I agree to crop the image (it is an extremely sharp lens even with F/3.5 apertures which are not exactly its "sweet spot")... For a portrait with this lens (for example) I have to stand about 5 meters away, very different from the 1.5 or 2 meters I need with the 50mm... But nowadays I'm a bit of a macro maniac and that's why I carry it attached to my old Nikon almost all the time these last days!.... :) Greetings and blessings over there, happy week....