Monomad Entry: A Birthday Outing

  1. I turned 40 last year. 40 years isn't old according to most people I ask, but I feel every single year of it.

I didn't have a massive celebration, unlike when I turned 30. The day was just a simple affair, a trip to get ramen and to walk around Target for a bit, followed by ice cream and an evening at the cidery.

What is a better time to play with my camera? Since it was my birthday my models (children) couldn't argue, even though there was hiding. And frankly, I just shoot whatever floats my boat in the moment. People, architecture, trees, anything is free game!

For the last couple of years I've been obsessed with film. It's a creative venture which slows me down and allows me to be tactile with my art making. But I have discovered that the skills I learned in film translate very well to digital. And when I use a digital film "recipe" the results are gorgeous!

The film recipe saves the raw image as a normal NEF in color, so I tweaked a few in color.

And here are a couple of film shots which unfortunately turned out super blurry on such a cold dark day. 400 ISO? Hahahahaa!

I hope you enjoyed this little snapshot of my day, the day I officially tipped over the hill!


S. D. G.




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