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RE: Same old question: Where are the winters of yesteryear?

in Black And White3 years ago

This is exactly how I feel, Dan! It is funny though. Last year, we had Spring starting in February! Today it was 17C and it was lovely... Wait! It is the beginning of February! I love a good snow, but, we have had dust.

I remember it snowed 24 inches a few years back. What happened?

Bucharest used to have real winter. I can remember all of Europe did and now, not so much. The wind of time, shifting everything. Feels weird.

I love your shots and I am glad you took them, although you probably had no idea that would be the last real snow for a while. Didn't you and Magda walk to a protest (or gathering of people) one night during that time or perhaps earlier? I remember the weather was not kind, but, off you went! :)


Surely everything is relative now, we have to get used to changes and surprises. It's nice too, we won't get bored. I see so many people getting bored and I can't believe it, I wish I had their time that they don't need...

You remember somewhat well, I went to a protest when it was raining and it was night, but not winter.

I am anxious to undo the protection I put on the Mediterranean plants but I fear a winter surprise in March, it has happened before.