SKY MIRROR || Monomad

in Black And Whitelast year

Hello friends of black and white and photography in general. It's been a couple of weeks since I took these images and I had pending to share them in this community. That was on a tour of the north coast of Havana, in the area where there are several hotels and others are being built. That day was sunny with some clouds.


I found interesting the reflection of the clouds on the windows of the buildings, so I concentrated generally only on the upper part of the hotels. These surfaces full of tinted glass reflect the environment in a special way. This is one of the most modern parts of the city, although in the same coast more towards the center of the capital there are also new and modern buildings (ghosts) being built, but I will show you these images in a future post.


For now these are the pictures that I put for your consideration and with them I make my entry to the daily challenge #monomad. See you!



Hola amigos del banco y negro y de la fotografía en general. Hace ya un par de semanas que tomé estas imágenes y tenía pendiente compartirla en esta comunidad. Eso fue en un recorrido por el litoral norte de La Habana, en la zona donde existen varios hoteles y se construyen otros. Ese día estaba soleado y con algunas nubes. Me pareció interesante el reflejo de estás en los cristales de las edificaciones, por eso me concentré generalmente solo en la parte superior de los hoteles. Estás superficies llenas de cristales tintados reflejan el entorno de una manera especial. Esta es una parte de las más modernas de la ciudad, aunque en el mismo litoral más hacia el centro de la capital también se construyen (fantasmas) nuevos y modernos inmuebles, pero estás imágenes se las mostraré en un próximo post. Por ahora son estás fotografías las que pongo a consideración de ustedes y con ellas hago mi entrada al reto diario #monomad. ¡Nos vemos!

Both the text and the images are of my authorship. Text translated by DeepL, my native language is Spanish. Nikon D5100 camera.


These buildings are very interesting. And how close they are to me


The third image is my favourite. I would have removed all the plants from the framing, let them be seen only in the glass.

Likewise, it was a very popular swimming area, now not so much. You are right, it would have been a better image. Thanks for the tip. 👌