#monomad - Photography for the largest orchestra in the world.

in Black And White3 years ago

Saludos comunidad, me ausente por un par de dias ya que me encontraba realizando algunos proyectos que muy pronto lo iran viendo con el pasar de los dias. Pero hoy quiero adelantarle una parte de lo que he venido trabajando.

Greetings community, I was absent for a couple of days since I was doing some projects that you will see very soon as the days go by. But today I want to tell you a part of what I have been working on.

Como dice el titulo: Fotografia para la orquesta mas grande del mundo, fue a un grupo de musicos profesionales que forman parte de la orquesta mas grande del mundo, como lo es el sistema de orquesta de venezuela. Hace meses atras dicha orquesta le fue otorgada el titulo de como la mas grande del mundo en el record winnes, con una presentacion de 12.000 ( Doce Mil Musicos ), dandole el titulo definitivo. Dias atras mi colega @hienco me escribio para ir a uno de sus ensayos ya que el forma parte de tan prestigiosos musicos de Venezuela, yo con todo el acepte su invitacion pero siempre pienso mas alla, lo que quiere decir que mi mochila de camara siempre va conmigo.

As the title says: Photography for the largest orchestra in the world, it was to a group of professional musicians who are part of the largest orchestra in the world, such as the Venezuelan orchestra system. Months ago this orchestra was awarded the title of the world's largest in the winnes record, with a performance of 12,000 (Twelve Thousand Musicians), giving it the definitive title. A few days ago my colleague @hienco wrote to me to go to one of his rehearsals since he is part of such prestigious musicians from Venezuela, with all of him I accepted his invitation but I always think further, which means that my camera bag will always go with me


Obstante a esto no saben la gran felicidad, la paz, tranquilidad plena que te causa estar presente en una actividad como esta, escuchar todas esas armonias, y demas de cada instrumento era muy relajante, tanto asi que me sentia en un ambiente distinto a lo cotidiano, fue asi que luego de liberarme un poco reaccione, saque mi camara y comence hacer fotografia a ciertos musicos, y de igual forma a unos de los directores de la orquesta.

Despite this, they do not know the great happiness, peace, complete tranquility that being present in an activity like this causes you, listening to all those harmonies, and the rest of each instrument was very relaxing, so much so that I felt in a different environment than what everyday, it was so that after freeing myself up a bit I reacted, took out my camera and started taking pictures of certain musicians, and likewise one of the conductors of the orchestra.

Hacer fotografia de esta forma me llena de mucha satisfaccion porque son cosas totalmente nuevas que por lo tanto jamas dudare en mostrarle a ustedes lo que ire haciendo en cada paso que doy, seguido de esto les quiero comentar que mientras me ecnotraba en aquella ensayo, iba viendo algunas facciones de todos los musicos que estaban alli, y eran facciones que demostraban que la musica los llena interiormente, y los llena de felicidad.

Taking pictures in this way fills me with great satisfaction because they are totally new things that therefore I will never hesitate to show you what I will be doing in each step I take, followed by this I want to tell you that while I was in that rehearsal, I was seeing some features of all the musicians who were there, and they were features that showed that music fills them internally, and fills them with happiness.


No dude en fotografiar el personaje principal como lo es el director de la orquesta ya que de el tambien depende que los musicos hagan de la musica un sentimiento, y que sea haga sentir muchas cosas juntas y que personas como yo sientan muchas cosas al presenciar un concierto a todo dar, con musica clasica, llevando esto cada ves mas lejos, y cada oportunidad grandes logros.

Do not hesitate to photograph the main character, such as the conductor of the orchestra, since it also depends on him that the musicians make a feeling of music, and that it makes you feel many things together and that people like me feel many things when witnessing a concert at full throttle, with classical music, taking this every time further, and every opportunity great achievements.


Una ves mas debo agradecerle a todo aque que llego al final para apreciar de tan majestuoso arte fotografico, para la Orquesta Mas Grande del Mundo totalmente Venezolana.

Once again I must thank everyone who reaches the end to appreciate such majestic photographic art, for the World's Largest Orchestra totally Venezuelan.

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.