#monomad - Artistic figures

in Black And White2 years ago

A veces nos lomimtamos aintentar nuevas oportunidades en la vida, nuevos conocimientos, y sobre todo retos personales para lograr grandes objetivos fuera de la cotidianidad del dia a dia que solemos vivir, hoy quiero compartir una gran experiencia que tuve con una amiga que practica Gimnasia en Tela, un deporte bastante fuerte y poco fuera de lo normal.

Sometimes we try to try new opportunities in life, new knowledge, and above all personal challenges to achieve great goals outside the daily routine that we usually live, today I want to share a great experience I had with a friend who practices gymnastics on fabric, a sport quite strong and little out of the ordinary.


Una sesion que deseaba hacer ya que este deporte va complementado de muchas cosas, como la concentracion, fuerza, disciplina y sobre todo valentia en poder hacer figuras artisticas para lograr la figura perfecta, sin notarse lo forzado y tampoco el miedo en realizarla.

A session that I wanted to do because this sport is complemented by many things, such as concentration, strength, discipline and above all courage to be able to make artistic figures to achieve the perfect figure, without noticing the forced and fear in doing it.


Fueron 4 horas donde estuvimos haciendo fotos una tras otras para poder lograr el objetivo que deseabamos obtener, y la versatilidad de esta artista gimnasta.

It was 4 hours where we were taking pictures one after another to achieve the goal we wanted to obtain, and the versatility of this artist gymnast.

Debo decirles que este ha sido uno de mis trabajos mas favoritos que eh realizado por lo tanto no dude en compartirlo con toda la comunidad y vean este maginifico resultado, ante todo muchisimas gracias a toda aquella persona que se detuvo a leer este post.

I must tell you that this has been one of my favorite works that I have done so I did not hesitate to share it with the whole community and see this great result, first of all thank you very much to everyone who stopped to read this post.

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