#monomad - Tranquility by the sea.

in Black And White2 years ago

Saludos a toda la comunidad, nuevamente paso por aca ya que hace dos dias estuve en la playa donde me sente frente al mar con mi camara, pero mas que eso no fui con intencion de realizar fotografias, algunas veces necesitamos desconectarnos un poco con el sonido de las olas.

Greetings to all the community, I'm passing by again since two days ago I was at the beach where I sat in front of the sea with my camera, but more than that I didn't go with the intention of taking pictures, sometimes we need to disconnect a little with the sound of the waves.
Una ves que me sentia en una paz interior comence a caminar frente al mar para inspirarme, y una ves que lo hice comence a darme cuenta de muchas cosas, y una de ella es que podemos hacer mucho sin necesita de tanta inspiracion, solamente debemos tener clara nuestra idea para lograr lo que deseamos.
Once I felt in an inner peace I started to walk in front of the sea to get inspired, and once I did it I started to realize many things, and one of them is that we can do a lot without needing so much inspiration, we only need to have a clear idea to achieve what we want.

Luego de caminar varios metro me tope con este peñero de frente, y me detuve un momento ya que me daba una inspiracion, saque mi camara de mi bolso, y comence hacerle tomas de distintos angulos hasta lograr esta toma que me gusto muuchisimo.

After walking several meters I came across this rocky area in front of me, and I stopped for a moment because it gave me an inspiration, I took my camera out of my bag, and I started taking shots from different angles until I got this shot that I liked very much.

Seguí caminando unos minutos mas y me encontre a una persona frente al mar sentado en una silla, me inspiro que con el sonar de las olas podemos despejarnos en su totalidad de nuestra vida del dia a dia.

I continued walking for a few more minutes and I found a person in front of the sea sitting on a chair, it inspired me that with the sound of the waves we can clear all of our daily life.


unos minutos mas adelante segui disfrutando de las vistas que podia obtener caminando frente al mar pero aparte de disfrutar pude observar muchos pilares de hogar, quienes todos los dias salen desde primeras horas del dia para salir a pescar y llevar algo a casa.

A few minutes later I continued enjoying the views that I could get walking in front of the sea but apart from enjoying I could see many pillars of home, who every day leave from early hours of the day to go fishing and take something home.


Esto a sido todo por hoy comunidad espero que les haya gustado esta pequeña pero inspirado experencia que pude tener con tan solo 6 horas frente al mar.
That's all for today community I hope you liked this small but inspired experience that I could have with only 6 hours in front of the sea.



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 2 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.