monomad challenge: darkness in October

on the eastern coast of Larviksfjord just north of Stavern there is a wonderfully designed housing development built in part over the sea called Sjøparken- the sea park. it's a prestigious luxurious project, the units have great views as well as their own dock space. for most of the year all is well here but as October drawsss to a close strange things begin to happen just north along the rocky wooded shore

what in the daytime appears to be driftwood stumps takes on a very different character as darkness falls

it's still a couple of weeks to Hallowe'en but preparations are underway

and this year looks to be rather more spooky than what the good folks of Sjøparken are accustomed to-

i took all these photos with my S22 phone. they have been edited with the basic editing windows photos program.


the old driftwood look so interesting, the abstract art of nature. : )

they are stumps with the roots and have a very striking almost grotesque appearance. it is natural abstract art !INDEED

@ekavieka! @eolianpariah2 Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @eolianpariah2.

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It's amazing how you captured these things that picks someone's interest.
Nice one dear