The magic of black and white/La magia del blanco y negro (ENG/ESP)

in Black And White2 months ago

Black and white photography has the ability to evoke deep emotions. By removing color, we are invited to focus on the expressions, the looks, and the stories behind each image. This art form can convey melancholy, nostalgia, or even hope. Black and white photography has a unique magic that transcends time. Without the distractions of color, each image becomes a study of light, shadow, and texture. From intimate portraits to dramatic landscapes, black and white can evoke a deep emotional connection.

In a world full of colors, it is sometimes refreshing to get back to the basics. Today I want to show you a selection of my black and white photographs, each with a story to tell.

Spanish version

La fotografía en blanco y negro tiene la capacidad de evocar emociones profundas. Al eliminar el color, se nos invita a centrarnos en las expresiones, las miradas y las historias detrás de cada imagen. Esta forma de arte puede transmitir melancolía, nostalgia o incluso esperanza. La fotografía en blanco y negro tiene una magia única que trasciende el tiempo. Sin distracciones de color, cada imagen se convierte en un estudio de luces, sombras y texturas. Desde los retratos íntimos hasta los paisajes dramáticos, el blanco y negro puede evocar una profunda conexión emocional.

En un mundo lleno de colores a veces es refrescante volver a lo esencial. Hoy quiero mostrarles una seleccion de mis fotografías en blanco y negro, cada una con una historia que contar

The photos were taken with a Canon t1i and canon t3 + 50mm f1.8mm and 18-55mm lenses

Spanish version

Las fotos fueron tomadas con una Canon t1i y canon t3 + lentes 50 mm f1.8mm y 18-55mm

Autor: ernestoph

Instagram: Traductor:

 2 months ago  

Kindly read our community guidelines, specially the #9 in this particular case.Hello @ernestoph.

Hi, where can I see the community rules?

@ernestoph You managed to shoot some really great photos, really great job. Oh yeah, it looks like you posted someone else's platform link here, I'm afraid that's not allowed here

 2 months ago  

What I wrote is not about the link to his Instagram, it's about the use of AI.

@monochromes, sorry if I was wrong. Thanks for the explanation, I will also be very careful so as not to make the same mistake.

The link posted is to my Instagram