EN | PL |
A plant from a different world. Fat, spotty leaves, long flower stems that produce sticky drops and tiny flowers. It changes colour from pale grey to almost purple. I am trying very hand not to kill it. One of the plants that get any extra care while others get neglected. A very special case :) | Roślina z innego świata. Glube liście w ciapku, długie pędy kwiatowe, które produkuję klejące krople i maleńkie kwiatki. Potrafi zmieniać kolor z jasnego szarego do niemal bordowego. Staram się jak mogę by jej nie ukatrupić. Jest pod ciągłym nadzorem i poświęcam jej więcej uwagi, gdy inne są traktowane trochę po macoszemu. Taki roślinny VIP :) |
EN | PL |
Flowers look very cool on photos only though. They are small, in vary pale colour. They don't last long either. I posted colour images with a plant description here. | Kwiaty są raczej niepozorne i wyglądają fajnie tylko na zdjęciach. Kolor jest jasny, są bardzo małe i szybko przekwitają. Tu jest pos ze zdjęciami w kolorze i opisem roślinki. |
But the leaves are super cool! They look great in colour and in black and white. | Ale za to liście wymiatają zarówno w kolorze jak i na czarno-biało. |
Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
(ƒ/13, 1/400, ISO250)
All photos and text are my own.

Looks beautiful in black and white.
I had such Adromischus, but died ...
I killed one too, but managed to save a leaf and it is growing :)
Congratulations! :-))
Wow, so spotty! Almost like a Dalmation. :)
Very nice work, those last couple of images have an almost alien feel to them.
Those spots are best!
This is such a cool and weird plant that I want more of them. Some are super wrinkly and look like red raisins :D
You're inspiring me to go on the hunt for weird looking plants. It's amazing what getting up close and personal with a camera can do!
They look completely different! And sometimes we finally see all the tiny texture...
The trees look really weird and awesome!! And a lot of beautiful photography. Thank you for sharing with us🥰
What trees...?
I apologize. I was a little misunderstood. But the images were very beautiful...
No worries :)
And thank you for a visit :))
Absolutely beautiful white and black!
Thank you :)