At least on the photos.
Shot in our garden in Poland during one of the winter that there was actually snow. Fresh, fluffy and cold. And the place where I would normally get sunburn trying to catch butterflies or bees turned to a silent and white fairyland.
I borrowed my brother's Canon for those. He always has some toys to play with and I guess I can be trusted with those (for now, then I will have to sell my kidney to buy back what I broke).
Some forgotten raspberries. Strange that not even birds ate them. They must be spoiled already by people around.
Roses will stay like that until spring too. Only then they will be trimmed. Looking good with their winter hats.
This (above) looks like Thyme.
Or some weed that grew in the fall and nobody bothered anymore to pick it.
Hydrangea and the only green thing at this time of the hear - Boxwood behind.
One of m favourite spots. Green grass and old apple trees surrounded by tall hedges. Now I just wish I could put boots and gloves on and dive in that snow like a kid!
Fence on the other side...
And behind just fiends, orchards and woods.
All sleeping.
We do get deers sometimes coming close to the gardens. Pests with big eyes like to munch on young fruit trees :)
Little walk done, hands got cold, but it is always wroth it.
Kitty was sitting inside the pot watching me the whole time.
Shot with Canon EOS 5D
All photos and text are my own.
Winter is brilliant, and when it snows all just looks so idyllic! Nice photos, big garden, cute kitty!
That 'sell my kidney' sentence was absolutely hilarious lol
Thanks for sharing :)
Now gonna be hilarious when I have to do it.
Snow makes it all looks just so quiet and peaceful.
I love to see pictures of snow in summer.
Yeaaa me too :)
And summer flowers in winter :p
I love this image. I want a giant poster of it for the wall of my huge solarium. (While I'm at it I should remember to wish for a huge solarium;)
Nice post, are you getting tired of summer where you are?
Here it's been a pretty hot one this year, but I don't mind it hot. Summer always goes too fast for me.
Looks like quite a beautiful garden in any season:)
I am always tired of summer. Summer could not exist in my perfect world.
Just the 3 remaining seasons and I am a happy camper :)
There is just one thing I want to do before I die. Play with snow!
Have never experienced it in my life and so thanks for making me feel more miserable by sharing such amazing photos 😜
Someday! Somewhere! Me and Snow shall meet!
You're very welcome! :D :D
Cool photographs,. My part of world will never be exposed to snow 🙁
Thanks! Snow is awesome, though I know people mostly don't like it.