Monomad Challenge Entry- The Sun Still Shines on Rainy Days


This was shot on a rainy day. Originally titled ‘the sun still shines on rainy days’

It does, it is true, really what brings me joy these days is hard to say. I know there is greatness in this world. Yet I feel stuck, trapped, missing the spark.

This spark, this flame that burns within me and pushes me throughout my days…keeps me dreaming, has dwindled and on some days has almost gone out completely.

But it burns continuously. For years when the flame grew low, I knew and had a strong sense and awareness that it would pass. And it would. But this, this flame within me is dangerously low. If it does not receive the proper fuel I fear it will burn out entirely.

The words, the images. They are what keep me going. Capturing the beauty on the outside and the thoughts within. Reflecting and getting them down, sharing for others to see, and perhaps igniting a spark gives me fuel. IMG_6601.jpg

So I will keep this flame burning, for others may need a glimpse of my light (no matter how dim it may be). If it is brighter than theirs it can guide them in the right direction. If their light burns brightly, it will overpower mine and to you, I say…go, go shine your light for others to see.

For aren’t we all stars?

Canon Rebel SL350mm400/2/1/1250

NFT Collection


Great photos and prose.

 3 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.

Thank you! How amazing!