Monomad Challenge: Traditional Fisherman "Tarek Pukat"


Hi everyone, how are you guys today, I'm back again with my black and white visual, this time about a traditional fisherman pulling a net from the ocean called Tarek Pukat. This is the daily activity of traditional fishermen in coastal areas, fishermen in Aceh use large nets that are spread out in the sea and then pulled to the mainland to get fish.


This activity can be found in almost every beach in Aceh, they start their activities from morning to evening. For traditional fishermen, looking for fish in this way is an extraordinary thing, because it has become a tradition for coastal communities to go to sea and produce a lot of fish.


I won't write much more, because I'm sure you've often heard about traditional fishermen in Aceh, so I hope this visual will be good for you and if you like it maybe I'll share this visual later in colorful form, but not in time. close, because I don't have much time to create content.




I hope you are happy with my work this time, and I will be happy if you like this latest job.
Have fun !!!

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Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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