Black and white street art in London

Sunday, 28th of January 2024 [115]

It’s Sunday. Not my typical day for publishing to be honest, but day when inspirations strikes are scarce for me, so I sit down and write. Short and sweet today.

The inspiration technically striked yesterday, as we were walking from Picadilly Circus tube station to our destination - YMCA gym where our usual Saturday afternoon salsa party takes place.

We walked past this place many times, but yesterday we had some extra time on our hands and looking at those caricatures which were mostly in black and white anyway, I stopped to capture a few of them for a black and white post to #monomad challenge today.

‘I’ve never been brave enough to get myself one of those caricatures’ - said Laleh.

I’ve never had enough spare time to sit there while someone draws me - I answered.

We both giggled, as we always do when we travel together to salsa parties. It’s our ‘food for the soul’ time and we do a lot of belly laughing together too, whether the subject is utterly hilarious or maybe not funny at all, but once one of us starts with the witchy laugh, the other one just has to join. For the giggles are apparently just as good as meditation for our overly stressed brains.

These giggles are a huge part of why I love traveling with Laleh. Not that we don’t have serious conversations too. We mainly have those, but we also both understand the power of laughter and I am grateful for friends like Laleh and a few other close friends of mine.

‘This could be a really interesting experience to get one of those made for us.’ I said. Definitely a great conversations starter for someone who enters my house for whatever reason 😉

That one on the top right corner could be Laleh and I if we decided to get one done together, although we both have dark hair.

Another set of giggles filled our car on the way back home. Laleh asked me if she her speed was correct and I said she will soon need to slow down, as there will be speed limit of 50 as we enter ‘our’ side of M3, right about… NOW!

And there was the road sign announcing 50 miles per hour speed limit just as I finished that sentence.

‘How spooky is this?!’ Says Laleh as we both start laughing uncontrollably. FOR A LONG TIME 😂


I can’t remember names of any important people, like actors, singers, politicians, nor titles of the songs, nor title of the movie I’ve just watched, yet my brain randomly collects a motorway speed limits including their exact geographic location. How much weirder can it get?

outlined in this post. Below screenshot is from that post too:Do you guys like to play with black and white pictures? This is a perfect place to show off your effects. To particpiate in #monomad challenge, be sure to follow the rules

Until next time 💙




How long usually the caricature is being made?
I would love to be drawn like that one, must be funny.

But yeah, sometime sitting for a long time and be the center of attention might not be a good thing as well. hahah