Monomaniac 16 - Black and White Landscape Photography

More adventures in monochrome where I surprised myself that so much of my stuff looks good in black and white. I used to print black and white images in a darkroom when I studied photography at school but can't work why this ocurred to me before. I blame old age and senility....

This is kind of a homage to a favourite, if not a bit wierd scifi film, The Fifth Element. One big flashgun at the back with a monster torch poining skywards for the beam:


This is Sycamore Gap in Northumberland in the very north of England on the Scottish border. This tree stands right next to Hadrian's Wall built by the Roman Emporer Hadrian to keep out the Picts (soon to be known as the Scots). I like the irony that over 2000 years ago, the Romans succeeded in building a wall where one certain modern day lunatic President has failed miserably...


This is a mono version of a recent trip out in the dark to Magpie Mine in the Derbyshire Peak District shot during lockdown where there were very few planes flying and not many trails to clone out:


About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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 5 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours. Thank You very much for participating.

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