My Childhood Memories in This Paradisiacal Coastal Areas

in Black And White2 months ago


As The days, Months And Years has pass, our age also adding and the childhood life will only become a piece of Good Memories.

All of us has a lot of childhood memories in different places, a time when each of us are keep busy playing, running around, eating and exploring the wonderful place. Aside of that, a time when we still not facing a serious life and a serious Problems. Today, as part of my #monomad article, I will take you to the place were my wonderful childhoos memories has been done together with my Friends and cousins. Everytime when My Family and relatives went in Barangay Calangahan, we always went in this wonderful coastal areas and spenr a day swimming in the crystal clear water.


I was having a lot of fun time playing at the sea water together with my Friends and cousins and my age that time was 8 Years old. Its really been a long time and many years has already passing by. This place is what we always went. Brining some coconut meat for a snacks and shovel and pail so we can make a sand castle. Peebles and fine sands are in the place and sometimes I kept myself busy searching for any unused slippers to do recycling. We also bring tents and interiors full of air so we can have floats to the Sea water and once we also do picnics in this place.


Sometimes we also do boating along with my Parents and my cousins. This place is perfect as fishing areas that is why there are lots of smalls boats always floating here. It is already a fishing ground since when I was 8 years old Until now and the place is in a little bit changes particularly he wideness of the sea and some erosions.

I also remembered the time when my Mother was calling me and I did not noticed because I was really enjoyed swmimming together with my cousins, and my Mother was already mad because she keeps calling me. That was also a part of my childhood memories here.


This place is also a gathering areas of dogs, and do you know what is the reason why dogs always went here? Its because this animals loves to catch fish ans shrimps in the rock pools every low tide. I already noticed this kind of scenarious when I was a kid, until now there are lots of dogs always went here to catch some marine animals. I was very surprised because even this day as many years has passing by, there are still lots of dogs walking and searching for food at the coastal areas.


I also remembered this big stones and we used it as a diving board that time. We had a lot of fun time here that day and in fact also got an injuries because I accidentally slipped in the stone. Luckily my head didnt hit to the stone. Aside of that, My Parents like to searched for any sea shells here that time for our meals and gladly they caught lots of it. Every Saturday, our excitement and joy are waiting and we very excited to swim here.

But it is already a wonderful piece of memory, its because my friends and cousins are already lived far from this place. And the only thing I cam is to remember those wonderful times when we are together playing at the place. Everytime I visited the place, I cannot avoid smilling gently the time when I always remembering those moments. A piece of good memories that never be forgot. Thank you for visiting my post everyone.


Wow, this is a very beautiful place.

Yes my friend a beautiful that contains a wonderful childhood memories. Thank you for stopping by. ☺

Shots for You captured the beautiful sea beautifully, but I would be scared to swim in it, it must be very deep.

Yes it is my friend, very deep but most of the residents here loves to swim in a deep blue sea. ☺